


整个中学的经历, we believe that providing both a breadth of core classes 和 chances for girls to delve deeply into topics that are of interest to them builds foundational knowledge 和 mastery in key content areas while providing developmentally appropriate independence. 在他们的核心和选修经验, 学生们面临着团队合作的挑战, 努力解决真正的问题, 倾听不同的观点.


计算机科学 & 技术
英语六级及读写工作坊 英语七年级及阅读/写作工作坊 英语八级及读写工作坊
古老的历史  中世纪历史 美国历史 20世纪历史
综合研究计划 澳门新葡新京官方企业家和澳门新葡新京官方地球保护经验(E3) 澳门新葡新京官方企业家和中世纪博览会 全球匹兹堡: Immigration Study 和 Feeding Ourselves 和 Others 工程设计挑战
数学6或预代数和数学工作坊 预代数或代数I与数学工作坊 代数导论或代数I或几何数学工作坊
普通音乐5 一门表演艺术选修课
普通音乐6  一门表演艺术选修课
普通音乐7  一门表演艺术选修课
普通音乐8  一门表演艺术选修课
体育与健康 体育课。 体育课。 体育课。
综合科学6 综合科学7 综合科学8
法语IB,拉丁语 IB或者西班牙语 IB 法语IIA,拉丁语IIA,或西班牙语IIA



  • 中学奥赛| 5-8年级

    艾利斯的学生发挥他们的创造力, 知识, 并且在每年参加一次的时候锻炼身体 中学奥林匹克运动会. The Olympiad brings together grades 5 through 8 for an event-packed day full of fun, 友好的竞争, 和团队合作. 整整一天, students participate in a rotation of challenges 和 tests that vary from trivia to design as they strive to take home the gold medal 和 bragging rights as Olympiad champions. 仿照真正的奥运会, 附队名, 横幅, 制服, 开幕式和闭幕式, 和奖励, 学生们享受了健康竞争的一天. Olympiad unites students across grade levels 和 gives them a chance to meet new friends, 展示不同的技能组合, 承担起领导的责任. This spirited pause from the normal routine lets students unleash their creative energy in a positive, 快乐的学习环境. The celebration of teamwork 和 sports(wo)manship encourages students to work together, 妥协, 跳出思维定势.
  • 艾利斯地球守护经验| 5级

    在澳门新葡新京官方地球保护经验, students develop an awareness of their importance to the environment. They explore the basic tenet of environmental sustainability: becoming more green 和 less wasteful. 五年级学生结合时事, 历史, 环境科学, 而商业在这种独特的体验中. Trips include visits to an apple orchard 和 a water treatment facility. Students recognize their potential to better care for the environment through a personal commitment.
  • 中世纪集市| 6级

    让学生感受一下中世纪的生活, 教员出席中世纪博览会, a two-day immersion that combines pieces of the 历史 和 英语 curricula in a unique, 跨学科的方法. Girls build 和 launch catapults; partake in a jousting competition; 和 hold an authentic Medieval feast complete with costumes, 娱乐, 和 peasants who only get to eat if the nobility leave them leftovers.
  • 环球匹兹堡| 7级

    七年级的顶点项目, 全球匹兹堡, is designed for students to explore how people are interconnected through neighborhoods, 匹兹堡市, 更大的世界. The project highlights the Nationality Rooms in the Cathedral of Learning, Teeny Harris的摄影, 以及匹兹堡亨氏历史中心的阁楼. Students work in small groups to research how immigration to Pittsburgh has shaped our city from the 1800s to current trends, 他们听取了各种各样的嘉宾演讲, 包括难民个案工作者. The culminating experience is attending the naturalization ceremony of new U.S. 公民.
  • 玩具车挑战赛| 8级

    这是中学经历的高潮 顶石项目 challenges grade 8 students to synthesize their skills across a multitude of disciplines to develop 和 deliver prototypes of electric gear-driven toys. 在学年的最后一周, students apply the engineering design process to meet a specific set of design requirements. 他们进行消费者访谈, 画出草图, 使用模型, 计算传动比, 写提案, 然后向评委们展示他们的原型. This deep dive assignment not only teaches students to manage their time 和 workload, but bolsters their presentation 和 public speaking skills as they prepare for the final project presentation. 这个跨学科的项目加强了智力, 技术, 和社会能力学生在整个中学吸收. 八年级学生研究, 分析, 和 define challenges 和 work within constraints while honing leadership, 协作, 沟通技巧.



  • 乐队

  • 合唱

  • 创意写作

  • 跳舞

  • 第一个乐高联盟(机器人)

  • 未来的城市

  • 会编程的女孩

  • 全球公民

  • 漫画小说

  • 弦乐合奏荣誉

  • 播客简介

  • iOS应用设计

  • 制造商商店

  • 混合和拼接:创意音乐技术课程

  • 移动机器人

  • 宾夕法尼亚初级科学院(PJAS)

  • 短篇小说研讨会

  • 字符串

  • 戏剧作品

  • 剧场技术



The 中学 curriculum at Ellis prioritizes authentic exploration 和 real-world connection in academic classes, while also ensuring a healthy balance of physical 和 social-emotional education as we foster the growth of the whole child. 学生有他们的核心学术课程-英语, 历史, 数学, 科学, 和世界语言——在早上, 以表演和视觉艺术为特色, 选修课, 体育课。, 俱乐部, 和 opportunities for interdisciplinary connection 和 extension in the afternoon. We also have daily 和 weekly opportunities to meet in grade levels 和 as a whole middle school to build community 和 connection. Our daily schedule begins 和 ends with time in advisory groups to anchor the day in supportive cohorts to reflect on the prior day 和 preview the one to come.

Research tells us that girls learn best when they see real-world application in the content they’re covering, 当他们以有意义的方式与同龄人合作时, 当他们亲身体验他们正在研究的概念时, 和 when they have choice in what they want to learn more about 和 how they wish to express their 理解. These factors drive our teachers’ instruction 和 create a rich incubator in which 知识 curiosity can thrive. 学生们不仅要分享他们对一个问题的答案, but to explain how they arrived at that answer 和 why they believe it to be true. By practicing metacognition (the skill of thinking about their thinking), students get to know themselves better as learners 和 are able to articulate the ways they have applied class content in different contexts.
通过在高度协作的环境中工作, 学生们相互学习, 帮助每个学生成长为一个更有同理心的人, 理解, 一个全面发展的人. 当我们准备我们的学生进入一个真正全球化的世界, it’s essential that students have the competency 和 practice to appreciate 和 learn from those with differing backgrounds, 信仰, 技能水平. 当每个人都带着真实的自我来到学校, 并承认并尊重她的同龄人, it creates the positive learning environment that makes Ellis such a vibrant, 包容的地方.

我们的教室是冒险的安全环境, where mistakes are celebrated 和 asking questions is an essential part of the learning process. Student interest 和 inquiry drives classroom activities 和 discussions, 和 our schedule supports opportunities for further interdisciplinary projects 和 grade-wide initiatives throughout the year. The Ellis 中学 curriculum introduces a wide array of topics 和 modes of learning, granting our students the independence 和 autonomy to choose where they want to delve deeper 和 learn more.

